Members page
Member: MACQ

Address:Da Vinci Science Park - Rue de l'Aéronef 2 B-1140 Brussels
Contact: Injaas De Mul
Phone: +32 2 610 15 00
Company description:
Road traffic becomes more important every day and it is impossible to still remain indifferent to it. The intelligent road is a concept which is now recognized. MACQ has contributed to it since 1990.
From the road to the supervision centers, in the city as on the motorways, our products and developments provide the necessary information and security.
MACQ is a strong player in Europe for the applications based on ANPR.
During the last 12 months MACQ was active in:
- Redlight video detection
- Travel time measurements
- Tolling systems
- Limited traffic zones
- Tunnel monitoring
- Parking and access control systems
- Security applications
- Section speed control
- Bus lane monitoring
- Identification of hazardous material signs