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Member: Voetgangersbeweging

Company Name:Voetgangersbeweging
Address:Kipdorpbrug 1 Antwerpen

Contact: Tom Dhollander
Phone: 0

Company description:

The Voetgangersbeweging is a non-profit organisation that for more than 20 years has been advocating for the right to move comfortably and safely, anywhere, anytime. We want pleasant and healthy environments for everyone with enough space for pedestrians and cyclists.

Through various projects and campaigns within the collaborations ‘Infopoint Public Space’ and ‘Octopusplan’, we work daily on sustainable mobility, health, climate and much more.

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Mobx Hoppin

The Voetgangersbeweging stood at the cradle of Mobipunt vzw and provides support for the concept development and roll-out of ‘Hoppinpunten’ - formerly ‘mobipunten’ - in Flanders. Hoppinpunten are locations where shared mobility is central, the hubs to facilitate combi mobility. Within the framework of Basic Accessibility, the Flemish Government's ambition is to realise around a thousand of these Hoppinpunten in Flanders over the next four years.
Together with the Flemish Government, it launched the name ‘Hoppin’ in September 2020. This name with accompanying logo should increase recognisability among travellers and make the use of combi mobility as simple as possible. Infopunt Publieke Ruimte developed the so-called Hoppin kiosks following an initial pilot project in Leuven.
Since then, Hoppin kiosks have been installed all over Flanders and a data management system for cities and municipalities has been developed. We gave that system the name MobX.


Domain: Traffic, Public transport & shared mobility, Parking & urban mobility


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