Members page

Member: VUB Mobilise

Company Name:VUB Mobilise
Address:Pleinlaan 2 1050 Brussel

Contact: Imre Keseru
Phone: 0

Company description:

The mission of the MOBILISE Research Group is to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable and inclusive mobility system. We analyse mobility to assess the external costs of transport and the impact of new policies and technologies on the transport system, the society and the environment. We mobilise people to create awareness of the issues caused by transport, to involve them in the planning and evaluation of the transport system and to accelerate the transformation and change behaviour. We focus on two main research tracks: urban mobility and sustainable logistics. Mobilise is part of the House of Sustainable Transitions, an interdisciplinary research network of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

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Over the years, Mobilise has developed several methods and tools to accelerate the sustainable transition of cities:

  • participatory planning and impact assessment tools such as the multi-actor multi-criteria analysis (MAMCA);
  • participatory foresight;
  • travel behaviour analysis and the impact assessment of mobility management policies and measures;
  • route optimisation for demand responsive transit;
  • the development of policy support and evaluation tools;
  • external Cost Calculator.
  • transport models such as SYMBIT and TRABAM.
Domain: Traffic


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