Members page

Member: Touring

Company Name:Touring
Address:Koning Albert II Laan Brussel 1000 Belgium

Contact: Patrick Van den Broeck
Phone: +32 2 233 24 45

Company description:

For over 100 years, Touring has been a main player in the exciting world of mobility and travel. We ensure that our customers can enjoy a carefree, active and mobile life. Every day we strive for their safety and mobility in Belgium but also abroad, since we are member of the International ARC-network. We help and inspire our customers when they prepare for travel and stand up for their interests. We have over 600 enthusiastic employees who offer professional and innovative services. Our goal is to surpass our customers’ expectations.

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Touring Mobilis app

De Touring Mobilis app brengt je op de hoogte van

  • Files
  • Mobiele flitsers
  • Vaste flitspalen
  • Trajectcontroles
  • Wegenwerken
  • Afgesloten rijstroken
  • Ongevallen
Domain: Traffic, Parking & urban mobility, Automotive, Automotive+, Taxation


Product website:



eCall is an initiative with the purpose to bring rapid assistance to motorists involved in a collision anywhere in the European Union.

For Belgium, Touring has applied to become an eCall service operator.


Domain: Police and rescue, Automotive, Automotive+


Product website:



Touring pleit al meerdere jaren voor slimme mobiliteit in al haar aspecten. We verdedigen ieders vrijheid om zich te kunnen verplaatsen met een vervoermiddel naar keuze. Zo hebben we het afgelopen jaar een proefproject voor Mobility as a Service (MaaS) gelanceerd. Het gaat om een realistisch project rond een applicatie waarmee  je een auto, een deelauto, het openbaar vervoer en deelfietsen kan combineren voor  al je dagelijkse trajecten. 


Depuis de nombreuses années, Touring plaide pour une mobilité intelligente dans tous ses aspects. Nous défendons la liberté de chacun de pouvoir se déplacer avec les moyens de transports de son choix. Nous avons lancé l’an dernier un projet pilote de Mobility as a Service (MaaS). Il s’agit d’un test grandeur nature centré sur une application qui permet de combiner voiture, voiture partagée, transports en commun et vélos partagés pour les trajets quotidiens. 

Domain: Traffic, Public transport & shared mobility, Parking & urban mobility, Automotive, Automotive+


Product website:


ConnectMy.Car - developed together by Proximus and Touring - is an all-in-one connected car solution that brings you the flexibility of an open platform, the convenience of premium connectivity and the comfort of esteemed car assistance.

This solution creates real value for both fleet managers and drivers and is easy to integrate with your current tools and with respect for your privacy.

Plug & Play: Simplicity is at the core of No complex installation or difficult setup process. Just plug the device into your car, download the app and you are ready to go.

In-car WiFi: Enjoy the best data connection on the go. delivers a fast and stable WiFi connection in your car, so you can make a phone call while the kids in the backseat stream video or play online games.

Car assistance: With Touring’s fleet car assistance included in the package, you will never need to worry about your next trip. Experiencing a car breakdown or flat tire? Simply press a button and help will be on its way.

Domain: Traffic, Automotive, Automotive+


Product website:
