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Member: Monotch

Company Name:Monotch
Address:Zuideindsestraat 76, 4921XN Made

Contact: Paul Potters
Phone: +31653248152

Company description:

Monotch focuses on safe, smart and sustainable mobility in Europe by connecting data, services and transactions. To achieve this, the company develops and realizes Smart Mobility Platforms. Monotch has extensive experience in connecting mobility data such as real-time communication with traffic control installations, public transport data, road-side information and parking data. It does this for reputable organizations throughout Europe such as (national) road authorities, cities, service providers and the traffic industry.

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TLEX - Traffic Live Exchange Platform

The Monotch Traffic Live Exchange (TLEX) Platform is a highly scalable platform especially designed to connect road side equipment to information brokers, automotive industry, road authorities and ultimately road users. All of this bi-directional, continuously, real-time, and vendor independent.Already today TLEX connects all Dutch Smart traffic lights to road users and road authorities: informing road users, prioritize traffic and optimizing traffic flow with the first countrywide implementation worldwide. TLEX is also used for a number of international pilots and showcases.

Domain: Traffic, Public transport & shared mobility, Parking & urban mobility, Police and rescue


Product website:

References: Talking Traffic the Netherlands

TLEX Parking Platform (TPP)

The TLEX Parking Platform (TPP) of Monotch offers municipalities and parking providers the possibility to make their parking garages / grounds bookable for consumers and pay for on-street parking. Both through authorized service providers and their own website. This setup allows user-friendly transactions and reservations for consumers via their favourite mobility apps.

Domain: Traffic, Parking & urban mobility


Product website:
