About ITS.be

ITS.be forms a unique platform for public and private stakeholders involved in smart mobility.

Company advice and policy support is combined with:

  • Information services
    Website & newsletters
    Market and impact studies
    Product guides

  • Events
    Working groups
    ITS.be congresses
    Company visits
    Technical visits
  • Projects
    Local projects
    European projects
    Policy support



ITS.be members have access to a competence centre that documents these results.

With its members, ITS.be has developed an overall ITS architecture that shows how ITS services (more than 300), data and technologies will co-exist

Common vision

ITS.be is helping federal, regional and city authorities make ambitious ITS action plans that are fully integrated in future mobility plans

Action plans

On behalf of its members, ITS.be sets targets and makes detailed recommendations for the federal and regional legislatures (current: 2014-2019)

Policy input

the ITS.be competence centre provides support on the application of standards, license models and quality control

Increased ITS competences

ITS.be is providing key common components for tenders, and is working towards common modular tender documents for ITS

Common tender documents

ITS.be has helped make legislation for key services such as a national law as well as executive orders for eCall

Legal frameworks

ITS.be has been instrumental in the deployment of important ITS services, such as road charging for trucks

Market breakthroughs

ITS.be chairs all Belgian mirror committees to CEN TC 278 and ISO TC 204

Standardisation support